Indoor & Outdoor Sports $100/hr.
Games, meets, tournaments, practice sessions

Event / Ceremony $100/hr.
Parties, weddings, reunions, awards, graduations

Mini-Portrait Session $150 / hr.
Family, children, couples, maternity, Seniors, engagement, Includes minor touch-ups.
10+ Digital images

Full Portrait Session $250/ 2hr.
Extra time allows for more poses & a costume change or two.
Includes minor touch-ups.
20+ Digital images

Includes hi-res digital download and print release for all images. Prints may also be purchased through samurai studios.

A small travel charge will apply if I have to drive for more than an hour. The amount will be based on the distance and situation.
Cash is always preferred, but personal check, paypal, and venmo are just fine. 50% deposit due on booking.

Booking begins HERE.

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